Thursday, December 5, 2013

Trinh T. Minh-ha Reassemblage video

This is what we started watching in class, please watch the entire film and read the essay afterwards as we will discuss these two alongside Bahnu Kapil

Bhanu Kapil interviews

Here are a couple, I'd urge you to start with the first as the format of the interview itself speaks to the kinds of texts we have been working through.

Thinking Documentary

Dear All,

Before we jump into Bhanu Kapil's Humanimal, I wanted you to take a close look at this essay by Trinh T Minh-ha, not from the book I talked about (and also this is not the essay I had decided upon first, I changed my mind in the course of the weekend and decided to leave the reading of this and the first part of Humanimal to next week) but from a different collection. I believe this sets more of a base reading as to her critique of how documentary film making is regarded by different streams of film theorists as well as where she stands with that.

Here it is: